How can I charge my vehicle?
You can follow the steps below to easily charge your vehicle. Select the best charging station for your vehicle and journey from the map to get directions.For security, you need to register your credit card before charging.Once you connect the charger to your vehicle, you can quickly start charging by scanning the QR code or entering the code manually.
Where can I charge my vehicle?
You can find your nearest station from our stations, which are indicated by pins on the map screen on the home page.
How can I check the availability status of charging stations?
You can view the availability of stations over the pins seen on the map screen on the homepage. You can also view the availability details in both socket number and socket type breakdown from the same page.
How can I start / end a charging operation?
To start charging, make sure that the charging cable is connected to your vehicle and the charging unit.36 Daha sonra Q Charge uygulaması içerisinde ana sayfada yer alan QR butonuna tıklayarak cihaz üzerinde yer alan QR kodu okutabilir veya kodu gir alanından QR kod altında yer alan kodu girebilirsiniz. Later, you can scan the QR code on the device by clicking the QR button on the Q Charge app home page, or enter the code below the QR code in the Enter Code section.To complete the charging process, click on the 'Charge Status' button on the Q Charge app home page, then complete the charging process by clicking on the 'Finish Charging' button on the charge details page.
Which sockets are supported by Q Charge?
As shown by the pins on the map screen on the home page, you can charge your vehicle at Q Charge electric charging stations using both AC and DC socket types.
Which make / model vehicles are supported by Q Charge?
You can charge all your vehicles with socket type of AC and DC at Q Charge stations.
How long does it take to recharge my vehicle?
Charging time will vary depending on the vehicle battery and your current state of charge.On average, Q Charge fast chargers can charge the batteries of certain vehicles up to 80% in 20 minutes.
How can I see the available stations?
Using the filter option on the map screen on the home page, you can view the nearest available charging station by applying the 'Only Available' filter.
What should I do if there is an issue with charge initiation?
If you have any problems with the initial step of charging your vehicle at the Q Charge station, please first check the instructions and information on the charger and try checking the instructions and information in the Q Charge mobile app. Make sure that your charging unit socket is connected to the vehicle charging connection. Make sure that the socket you connected to the vehicle is the same socket you have selected from the Q Charge mobile app.<1> Make sure your credit card is approved for online purchases and has sufficient funds to cover the transaction amount. If you are still having problems starting your charge after performing these checks, you can submit a request form from the Profile > Support page of the Q Charge mobile app or get help from our team of experts by calling 0850 223 34 43.
What should I do if there is a problem during charging?
Q Charge is designed to provide a safe charging experience by locking the charger and vehicle connection points separately during the charging process.However, if you do encounter a technical issue or problem while charging, you can get help from our team of experts by contacting us on 0850 223 34 43.
Which cards could I use for payment?
You can pay with Mastercard, Visa, Troy and American Express.
How can I find the charging prices?
You can check the prices of our AC and DC models on our Pricing page on the Q Charge website or on our Profile > Pricing page in the Q Charge mobile app.
Why can't I complete my payment?
Make sure that your card details are correct, that you have a sufficient balance on your card and that your card is open for online transactions.Also, once you have entered your password, do not close the 3D screen without completing the transaction.You can try again after these instructions.If the problem persists, you can try to complete the transaction with another card or contact your bank for more information.
How can I view my previous transactions?
You can access the details of your previous charges at Q Charge stations from the My Transactions page of the Q Charge mobile app.
What are the differences between non-commercial charging stations and commercial charging stations?
Non-commercial charging points are allocated to you personally and installed in your chosen area following the necessary infrastructure surveys.As the kWh output of the non-commercial chargers in the AC and DC models is lower than that of the commercial chargers, they take a longer time to charge. Commercial charging stations, on the other hand, are designed for use by all electric vehicle owners in public areas.Since the kWh power outputs of commercial charging stations with AC and DC models are higher than those of non-commercial charging units, they take less time to charge.
Can I own a charging station for personal use?
You can contact us by filling in the form you will find on the Non-commercial Use screen on the Our Services page of the Q Charge website.Upon receipt of the form, our team of experts will contact you to initiate the process of bringing the perfect energy experience to your home or workplace.
Can I buy a unit for commercial use?
Contact us by filling in the form on the commercial usage screen on the services page of the Q Charge website.Upon receipt of the form, our team of experts will contact you to initiate the process of bringing the perfect energy experience to your home or workplace.
Can I become a partner for commercial use?
You can find detailed information about our partnership types on the 'Become a Partner' page of the Q Charge website and contact us via the contact form to become our partner.Upon receipt of the form, our team of experts will contact you.Your Companion: Q Charge Mobile App Download the easy-to-use Q Charge mobile app now, quickly find the nearest station and enjoy a sustainable journey.